Terminology of LID: Distinguishing LID from other Techniques that Address Community Growth Issues (PDF)(2 pp, 568K) LID Fact Sheet #2: Addresses LID’s place in the jumble of terms for managing the environmental impacts of growth that coexist today and describes and distinguishes these terms.Benefits of LID: How LID Can Protect your Community's Resources (PDF) (2 pp, 1.3MB) LID Fact Sheet #1: Challenges the perception that LID isn't worthwhile and provides general background information that outlines hydrologic and economic benefits provided by LID.Low Impact Development (LID) Fact Sheet.Nurseries and Bulk Materials Storage Handout.Mobile Cleaning-Driveway Sealing Handout.The Pacific Ocean Starts on your Street ( English) ( Spanish).Well Drilling Erosion Control and Sediment Plan.Small Construction Site Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Template.County of Mendocino Construction Best Management Practices for over-the-counter Building Permits.Stormwater Management Reference Materials Please note, SMARTS works best with the Microsoft Edge browser. MS4 Area New and Post Construction Site Stormwater ChecklistĪnnual NPDES MS4 stormwater reports can be accessed using the State of California's, StormWater Multiple Application and Reporting Tracking System (SMARTS) below.MS 4 Area Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Information for Over the Counter Permits.Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Information- County wide.Index of parcels subject to MS4 Ordinance.
#Smarts waterboards ca gov manual#
#Smarts waterboards ca gov code#
Please refer to the following Illicit Discharge Tracking Sheet used by Code Enforcement personnel to log the complaint to see what information you will be asked to provide. Be prepared with your name, date of incident/activity observed, address/location of the activity, and a description of the incident/activity observed. Pollutants may include: oil, wastewater, litter, sediment, or any unknown material. Notice an illicit discharge / pollutants along a roadway and/or entering the County storm drain system? Call the Complaint Hotline. Business Improvement District Advisory BoardĬlick this link to access Chapter 16.30 - Stormwater Runoff Pollution Prevention Procedure of the Mendocino County CodeĬomplaint Hotline (Illicit Discharge) - 70.

Coastal Zone Local Coastal Program (LCP) Maps.

ProcSet>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>stream )/Rect/Subj(Typewritten Text)/Subtype/FreeText/T(lwarddrip)/Type/Annot> The deadline listed in Section I.D.13 \(page 8\) and Section II.G.1 \(page 27\) of the factsheet for dischargers with outfalls to ocean waters to develop and implement a monitoring program in compliance with the California Ocean Plan model monitoring provisions was corrected to July 1, 2015, which is the deadline listed in finding 44 in the general order. *The factsheet to the IGP was updated in January 2015 to correct typographical errors.